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      Salesman Tan Zongrong has resigned

      Current location:Home  / News  / Day health information / Salesman Tan Zongrong has resigned

      Salesman Tan Zongrong has resigned

      date:[2015-11-18]     pk_hits:

      Tan Zongrong, the salesman of our company, has left his post. If you have any questions, please contact our company.

      Pingyang Tianwei Machinery Co., LtdFull system solutions for quality machinery manufacturers

      All product pictures and publicity pictures of this website belong to us. No individual or organization is allowed to use them, and any embezzlement must be prosecuted.

      Pingyang Tianwei Machinery Co., Ltd

      Tel:0577-86266681Tel:0577-86125986mobile phone:13806699071E-mail:tianweimachine@126.comAdd: Haixi Industrial Park, Pingyang County, Wenzhou, Zhejiang


      Service hotline


      We warmly welcome your consultation, and we will provide you with satisfactory mechanical solutions